NetLogo GbCC 3.0 Converter

Create a NetLogo Model

  ( click ⇧)
Step 1: Create a model using NetLogo. Save your model as a .nlogo file.
Check out the following resources:
- NetLogo Dictionary
- NetLogo Programming Guide
- NetLogo GbCC Dictionary
- NetLogo GbCC Programming Guide
- GeoGebra, Maps and Physics Extensions

Convert NetLogo model to GbCC Model

Step 2: Choose settings for your GbCC Model.
Type of Model
GbCC Flat
GbCC Hierarchical
Classic HubNet

Allow teachers to control students' access to their View and Tabs.
Allow canvases to have multiple layers.
Allow users to select multiple canvases.
Allow canvases to act as forever buttons.
Allow users additional control over gallery.
Allow mirroring.

Step 3: Choose files to upload.
NetLogo file: *.nlogo file required NetLogo File (Teacher UI): *.nlogo file required
NetLogo File (Student UI): *.nlogo file required
HubNet File: *.nlogo file required
Filename: x Please use a .nlogo file.
Step 4: Download the .zip file.

Create a Website for your GbCC Model.

Step 6: Download Git. Follow instructions to install it.
Install Git on Mac or Windows.
Step 7: Get a Heroku account. Follow instructions to create and deploy a NodeJS app.
Select "Node.js" and press the Create New App button.

Choose a unique name and press the Create App button.

Select Heroku as the deployment method and press the Connect to Heroku button.

Decompress the zip file into a folder.

Use Git to connect your folder to your Heroku app.

Deploy your app by pressing the Deploy button. Open the app by pressing the Open App button.
Step 8: Go to the url for your model.
Email address:


If there is an error like There is already a global variable called STEP-SIZE, this means that a hubnet client variable is also identified as a global variable. Fix this problem by renaming the hubnet client variable to something like 'stepsz'. If listening for "hubnet-message-tag = 'step-size'", then assign 'stepsz = hubnet-message';


GbCC Grant Project Website

GbCC 3.0 Guide and Language Reference Website